Changing Climate Conditions
a lecture by
Lisa Maria Enzenhofer
( / Breathe Earth Collective)
Changing Climate Conditions
Natural processes, atmosphere and climate are a major influence of our living conditions and our social, political and built environment. Changing climate conditions are demanding new architectural and urban design models, which integrate natural processes and ecosystemic performance.
In this presentation Lisa Maria Enzenhofer is exploring how these models are influencing herown practice.
Natural processes, atmosphere and climate are a major influence of our living conditions and our social, political and built environment. Changing climate conditions are demanding new architectural and urban design models, which integrate natural processes and ecosystemic performance.
In this presentation Lisa Maria Enzenhofer is exploring how these models are influencing herown practice.
18.10.2019 at 7pm
Lisa Maria Enzenhofer
Lisa Maria Enzenhofer is an architect and landscape architect working on the climatic intersection between the built and ecological environment. In 2015 she co-founded to visualise and support ecosystems and is a member of Breathe Earth Collective, a transdisciplinary think and do-tank. She is actively involved in developing new strategies to link ecology, landscape and architecture to combat urban heat island effects and establish self sustaining ecological circles both humans and non human actors. Since 2018 her studio merged with the Vienna based Green4Cities. Next to her own practice she has been lecturing and researching at the Technical University of Graz and KTH in Stockholm from 2012 – 2018. Recent projects are the Expo Pavillon breathe.austria in Milano 2015, and the upcoming Expo Pavillon for Dubai 2020 as well as artistic works like the Aerosol installation at RMIT Gallery in Melbourne, and diverse scale landscaping projects.
EXPO Mailand Breathe.Austria 2015 Credits: Breathe Earth Collective
AEROSOL, RMIT Gallery Melbourne, 2018 Credits: Breathe Earth Collective
AIRSHIP.01, Museumsquartier 2019 Credits: Esel