Support us and become a friend, donor or supporter
We offer several options to support the work of MAGAZIN with a yearly donation. In case you are interested, please send us an email to
* free exhibition-posters
* free exhibition-publications
* free exhibition-posters
* free exhibition-publications
* free exhibition-posters
* free exhibition-publications
* invitation to the summer party
* invitation to the X-mas party
* invitation to the excursion (food/drinks at own cost)
* private tour before openings
* name mentioned in publications
* name mentioned on website
* free exhibition-posters
* free exhibition-publications
* invitation to the summer party
* invitation to the X-mas party
* invitation to the excursion (food/drinks at own cost)
* private tour before openings
* name mentioned in publications
* name mentioned on website
* free drinks during all events
* one limited edition gift per year
We thank our suppporters for the annual programme 2019:
+ Maximilian Urs Abele
+ Josée & Joé Becker